Stylization of Oral Elements in the Novel Women. Voices. By Jasmina Musabegović

Bernisa Puriš


This paper aims to analyze and interpret the linguistic and stylistic means by which the world of the novel Women. Voices. by Jasmina Musabegović is built. The paper analyzes and interprets the novel’s spoken language stylization, as its main stylistic feature. It is based on the assumption that orality, as a linguistic-stylistic feature of the novel, is primarily realized at the syntactic-stylistic level. In this direction, the elements of expressive syntax, such as spoken (oral) sentence length, elliptical, nominative, and fragmented sentences, as well as syntactic repetitions and accumulations, are especially explored. The mentioned syntactic-stylistic means are investigated to point out their stylistic potential in the revitalization of the tonal, rhythmic, intonation, and intensity values of the spoken language, based on which novelistic voices are generated as the narrative subject of the novel. Also, exclamatory and expressive interrogative sentences are explored in the paper as significant means of conveying emotional-expressive (affective) and intensifying the semantic values of a sentence. In doing so, it is particularly indicated that interrogative sentences, in addition to appearing as elements of expressive syntax, have a significant opening (cataphoric) value in developing the novel's narrative content. In addition, the paper points out the stylistic possibilities and values of the vernacular idiom in the stylization of novelistic expression with folk expression.


Jasmina Musabegović; Žene. Glasovi. [Women. Voices.]; style; stylization; conversational style; vernacular idiom; expressive syntax

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ISSN: 2490-3604 (print) ● ISSN: 2490-3647 (online)

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