Reminiscences of the Sensations of the South, Mostar and Most in Jasmina Musabegović's Opus

Elbisa Ustamujić


The paper analyzes the novel Most and the essay Iskaz poneblja written on the occasion of the novel Grozdana's giggle by Hamza Hume from Jasmina Musabegović's oeuvre. In these texts, the writer expressed her attachment to the South - Herzegovina, Mostar and Stari Most. With that, she joined the poets of the "city poetry" of Mostar, who promoted it as our most sung city. The heroine/writer self-expresses female subjectivity in the manner of female writing. Reminiscences and associations of the experience of luxuriant nature, the wild Neretva, the bridge's arch and white stone buildings, as well as the architecture and culture of mahal life and the cultural identity of the people and the city emerge.


Essay; reminiscence; storytelling of the city; l’écriture féminine, South; Mostar; Old Bridge

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ISSN: 2490-3604 (print) ● ISSN: 2490-3647 (online)

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