Preparedness of Students for Self-regulated Learning of Mathematics

Tatjana Mihajlović, Margareta Skopljak, Slaviša Jenjić


This work aims to examine the relationship between general self-regulated learning abilities and students' general intellectual abilities, mathematical learning abilities, and academic achievement. A study was conducted with a sample of eighth-grade students (N=325). The research employed a survey and descriptive method, and the instruments used included a test of general intellectual abilities, a test of self-regulated learning abilities, a test to measure mathematical learning abilities, and a standardized math knowledge test. Based on the obtained results, we indicate those factors with high or moderately high correlations. Among the results obtained, there is a high correlation between general intellectual abilities and general self-regulated learning abilities (subtests for interpreting graphs and interpreting geographic maps). The results show a high correlation between the total score on the self-regulated learning abilities test and math achievement. A moderately high correlation was achieved between the test of general intellectual abilities and self-regulated learning abilities (subtests for finding necessary information, exploring new material, and the index of developed abilities and techniques for self-regulated learning). On the math learning ability test, various abilities are differentiated, including formalization of mathematical content, spatial abilities, imagination, flexibility, and critical thinking. Based on the research results, it is considered significant to investigate the effects of different innovative teaching systems and teaching methods on students' self-regulated learning abilities and mathematical learning abilities.


self-regulated learning; self-regulated learning abilities; intellectual abilities; mathematical learning abilities; mathematics achievement

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