Burnout Syndrome in Maternal Role

Anida Vrcić Amar


Satisfaction with fulfilling the parental role is considered a crucial component of experiencing parental competence. The concept of burnout was initially defined within the domain of occupational psychology, while in Europe, the concept of parental burnout emerged in the early 21st century, particularly in the context of parents of children with developmental challenges. Following parental burnout, the concept of maternal burnout has become particularly crystallized in psychological reality. The concept of maternal burnout has been relevant in the past five years, attracting researchers due to increasingly transparent consequences. This paper will present a broader discourse on motherhood with a specific emphasis on maternal burnout. Since correlates of maternal burnout are still underresearched, understanding the context of motherhood through a cultural-psychological dimension is deemed important. Feminist theories of motherhood also assist in understanding the challenges faced by contemporary mothers, while the current moment highlights the compatibility of postpartum depression with maternal burnout as particularly significant to explore.


maternal burnout; parental burnout; motherhood; postpartum depression

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2024.9.2.1345


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