Professional Burnout in Educational Work of Teachers and Expert Associates

Nedim Čirić, Melisa Hozanović, Ahmed Hatunić


The first observations about the consequences of long-term professional stress began in the seventies of the last century in the professional work of health workers. The syndrome of burnout at work (burnout), which is characterized as a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion, has been presented in many studies as a consequence of long-term exhaustion and overload of experts during work. The goal of this paper was to present results that indicate the presence, nature and consequences of professional burnout of professional associates and teachers in the educational context through previous research. Research results indicate that professional burnout of teachers and professional associates often indicates the presence of feelings of exhaustion, lack of motivation, signs of frustration, helplessness, etc. which often has consequences for productivity at work, relationships with others and general well-being. Given that professional burnout can lead to a loss of desire for academic advancement, social relationships, communication, etc. which can be obstacles and difficulties that will hinder professional and quality educational work, it is necessary to define new recommendations that can prevent professional burnout, as well as prevent the reduction of symptoms of burnout and its manifestation in all spheres of life of professionals involved in educational work.


burnout; teachers; professional associates; educational work

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