Multimedia and Mobile Learning in Primary Natural Science Teaching

Martin Kalamković, Stanko Cvjetićanin


This research deals with the comparison of the effectiveness of multimedia and mobile learning in the process of acquiring knowledge from natural sciences among children of a lower age. The sample included two groups of students of different ages, where one group used multimedia materials, while the other group studied using mobile phones. The research was conducted through three phases of testing: pretest, post-test and retest, where the pretest aimed to determine the initial prior knowledge of the students and equalize the groups. After the presentation of the educational content, a post-test was conducted to assess the current level of acquired knowledge. A retest was performed after 30 days to determine the durability of the knowledge. The results showed that students who used multimedia learning achieved significantly better results on the post-test and retest compared to students who used mobile phones. These findings suggest that multimedia learning offers a more efficient way to achieve deeper understanding and long-term retention of information in younger children, especially in the context of science learning.


multimedia learning; mobile learning; natural sciences

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