Emotional Arguments in Political Rhetoric

Gabrijela Kišiček


This paper deals with emotional arguments which are frequently used as a tool for manipulation, especially in political rhetoric. It is believed that every conflict and every violent act is preceded by a specific type of rhetoric contributing to hatefulness and intolerance. This paper will discuss different arguments (i.e. appeal to emotions) which can influence the spread of hate speech, verbal abuse and, in some extreme cases, even physical conflict and violence. Political figures frequently use such arguments to manipulate the audience and consequently preserve or gain political power for themselves. Arguments such as appeal to fear (argumentum ad metum), appeal to anger (argumentum ad iram), appeal to indignation (argumentum ad indignationem) and appeal to threat (argumentum ad baculum) will be discussed and analyzed in the examples of political rhetoric. By recognizing emotional arguments used as manipulation and differentiating emotions as legitimate arguments, the audience might reveal manipulators, unmask manipulation and hopefully, in some instances, prevent violence and intolerance in society.


argumentation; emotions; rhetoric; political discourse

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2024.9.2.441


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