Childhood and Media: Occurring of the Peer Violence

Lidija Eret


Due to the increasing digitalisation, we also observe increased peer aggression among children and young people, and this paper points to the links between these two phenomena of the modern age. The specific subject of interest is the results of contemporary studies in the field of neuroscience that indicate the negative influence of digital media on cognitive function development and other sciences that indicate the link between exposure to digital media and mental and physical disorders. As modern neuroscience and educational sciences evince that the cause of the deterioration of neuronal cells is the loss of self-control and the appearance of stress, it is certainly noticeable that the aggressiveness of young generations arises precisely because of the lack of action mechanisms within the everyday environment. Digital media are participants in this phenomenon because they cause addictions that lead to a lack of self-control or because they distort through social media the image of real life and social relationships. Whether it is the aggressiveness to which boys or the self-destructiveness to which girls are more prone, digital media is proving to be the cause of other physical and psychological ailments among children and young people. The conclusion of this paper is also derived from the contemporary studies findings that draw attention to a critical and purposeful approach to digital media and that an active life in the sense of daily and consistent physical activity and contact participation in the personal social environments of children and young people is one of the quality solutions to this problem.


aggression control mechanisms; child and young people aggression; digital dementia; digital media and aggression; physical activity and aggressiveness; self-control and stress

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