Linguistic Violence: From Benign to Fatal Consequences

Edina Spahić, Jadranka Kolenović-Đapo


Language, as the basic means of communication, transmits information and also provides us with an insight into the worldly values. In this paper, we shall examine general definitions of linguistic violence, as well as the consequences caused by inappropriate and irresponsible use of language. Violent language, as a form of communication, is encountered in all economic and social interactions at all ages; therefore, it has not been bypassed by the young population at all. Actually, it has become increasingly present in educational institutions and outside of them. As a matter of fact, it is with continuous use or exposure to violent communication that the social and emotional maturation of young people is extremely affected, and, in this paper, we shall provide the analysis of a specific case of verbal and symbolic violence with an unfortunate and tragic outcome. We shall also try to direct attention to the fact that timely detection of violent behaviour can prevent undesirable outcomes. Also, the paper elaborates on mechanisms that are effective for its suppression so that a person, if exposed to verbal violence, does not become a target of other forms of violent behaviour by an individual or a group of bullies.


symbolic violence; verbal violence; peer violence; consequences; abuser; victim

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