Violent crime and motives

Mirjana Kondor-Langer


The aim of the conducted research was to gain insights into the characteristics of the areas where incidents of violence occurred, the type of violence, the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator, and the gender of the perpetrator, with a particular emphasis on identifying differences in these characteristics based on the perpetrator's motives.The presented results are part of the scientific research project Croatian Violence Monitor – Study of incidence patterns, causes, and prosecution of delinquent violence with a focus on protecting particularly vulnerable victim groups. The research findings indicated that domestic violence is the most prevalent type of violence, with revenge and jealousy being the predominant motives. In light of these findings, it is crucial from a practical standpoint that all competent authorities responsibly, conscientiously, and consistently conduct individual victim assessments in accordance with the Regulation on the Methods of Individual Victim Assessment (Official Gazette, No. 106/17). Among other things, this means placing even greater emphasis on proposing and imposing protective measures in misdemeanor proceedings, and in criminal proceedings, applying purposeful security measures when conditions permit, aimed at eliminating circumstances that enable or encourage the commission of new criminal offenses (Article 66 of the Criminal Procedure Act, Official Gazette, No. 125/11, 144/12, 56/15, 61/15, 101/17, 118/18, 126/19, 84/21, 114/22, 114/23, 36/24).


violence; criminal acts; motives; perpetrators

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